This was not the Christmas I was hoping for.
I've hardly seen my boyfriend, Alex.
Odd things have been happening in my house ever since I saw those tracks coming from the woods. I have the feeling I'm being watched. And I'm getting the sense that someone isn't willing to let me go...
"Alex!" I cried.
He didn't answer me.
"How long have you been home?"
"I've been here awhile."
I snickered. Accidentally snorting. "So, you heard most of that then?"
He didn't miss a beat. Walking straight toward the bedroom. I could only catch his handsome profile in the dark.
"I missed you, you know?" I whispered conspiratorially.
"I missed you too."
"You putting me to bed?"
He tilted his head grudgingly. "Of a sort."
"Weird thing to say." I frowned.
"Well, I have dark plans before you sleep."
"Oh..." I said sagely. Before sing-songing. "You wanna do me."
"All day. Every day."
"Horny bastard."
"You've no idea." I saw his teeth in the dark and knew he was laughing at me. I batted his chest. "Don't laugh at me dick."
"Alright..." He chuckled. "I'll try not to."
"Hey," I tried to sound serious. "You spiking my wine?"
"Ha ha." I laughed. He was so rarely playful I was rather enjoying it. "And for what purpose?"
"To bang you, Baby."